Ways To Give
use your parish envelope
Sacred Heart and St. Joseph mail monthly envelope packets to registered parishioners who wish to receive them. This provides a convenient way for you to donate using cash or check during the Sunday Offertory. Other envelopes provided in your packet include special collections, Holy Days of Obligation , St. Vincent de Paul, and Mass Intentions. If you are unable to join us for Mass, you can use the business reply envelope provided each month and mail your offering to the church at no cost to you. Forgot your envelope? Use one of the general use envelopes available in the pews.
If you have not registered but would like to begin receiving envelopes, click HERE or contact Garri Linardos in the parish office.
online giving
Online giving is an easy way to ensure that your giving stays on track for the coming year. Regardless of where you are, how you are feeling, or what the weather, Sacred Heart and St Joseph the Worker continue to receive your regular donations, ensuring a stable cash flow.
We have partnered with Pushpay for our online giving program. It is easy, safe, and secure. You are able to make a one-time donation or set up recurring donations using your checking, savings, or credit card. Only you can see the details of your accounts and only you can make changes, giving you total flexibility and control as well as 24-hour access.
To log in or set up your online giving for Sacred Heart, click HERE.
To log in or set up your online giving for St. Joseph, click HERE.
If you have questions regarding your online giving or need assistance please contact Debbie Wilson at 360.687.4515 during office hours or send her a message by clicking the link below.
Bill Payer
By using the bill payer feature with your bank, you can set up one-time or recurring donations to the church. Please contact your bank to inquire about setting up your donations using their bill payer feature.
Gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds may be donated and may also provide savings on capital gains tax. Your financial advisor or institution will help you decide if this form of donation is right for you. Click HERE for instructions on making a stock donation to your church.
Planned Giving
The Catholic Church has been present at most of the important milestones in your life: your Baptism, your First Communion, at times of great celebration and at times of great sadness. The work of the many ministries of the Catholic Church are far-reaching, life-giving and life-saving. By leaving a gift to your church in your Will, you will leave a legacy of faith – a legacy to help ensure that the mission and pastoral outreach that has been important to you will continue both for today’s needs and for those of our children, our grandchildren and beyond.
What are Planned Gifts?
Planned gifts are commonly determined during estate planning and then gifted upon the death of a donor. Planned gifts can be in the form of bequests, retirement plans and IRA's, life insurance (as beneficiary) and charitable gift annuities
Click HERE to learn more about making a legacy gift to Sacred Heart or St. Joseph the Worker.
Regardless of how you choose to give, your generous contributions to Sacred Heart and St. Joseph the Worker
enable our church to further the mission of Jesus: to go forth and make disciples.