
Liturgical Ministry


Serving in a Liturgical Ministry is a wonderful way to grow in spirituality and appreciation of the Mass.
To serve in a Liturgical Ministry you must be an active, participating member of the parish in good standing.
Some Liturgical Ministries require Safe Environment Training and/or a background check.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are trained by the pastor to assist with Holy Mass and other liturgies. Any registered parishioner who is in the fourth grade or older and has made their First Communion is eligible to serve as an Altar Server.  This is a great ministry for families! Adult Altar Servers are required to be Safe Environment trained and have a cleared background check.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have the privilege of helping serve the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the species of bread and wine to the faithful.  An EMOHC must be at least 17 years old, fully initiated into the Catholic faith and in good standing with the church, and registered in the parish.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Holy Mass.  A Lector must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, have a willingness to study the scripture and be a registered member of the parish.

Sacred Music
Those with musical interests and gifts contribute to the liturgy through song and instrument. There are a number of music groups in the parish with various musical styles.  There are no special requirements for this ministry except a love of music and the liturgy.

Always under the general direction of the pastor, a Sacristan undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations. Sacristans must be at least 17 years old, fully initiated into the Catholic faith and in good standing with the church, and registered in the parish. It is recommended that those wishing to be a Sacristan be active in another Liturgical Ministry first. Sacristans are required to be Safe Environment trained and have a cleared background check.

Ushers provide a welcoming environment to church-goers and offer assistance during Mass.  There are no special requirements to serve as an Usher except a love of helping others.  This ministry is great for families to participate in! Adult Altar Servers are required to have a cleared background check.

Coffee Hour
Providing after Mass hospitality is an important service to the church. Those hosting coffee hour after either the 8:30 or 10:30 am Masses provide an opportunity for our fellow parishioners to get to know each other better. This ministry is perfect for a couple of people or a family. Training is provided for all newcomers. To sign up to serve at coffee hour at Sacred Heart, click HERE.


To register for Safe Environment training or complete a background check, click HERE.