
Councils and Committees

It is the role of the Christian faithful to carry out the mission of the Church in the world.
They are called to be responsible stewards of the resources of time, talent, and treasure given to them and to their parish.
Many Gifts, One Spirit Revised edition, 1008

To serve on any of the committees listed here, contact the parish office 360-687-4515


Altar Society

All the women members of St. Joseph are members of the Altar Society!  Their purpose is to provide care to the sanctuary and sacristy of the church, and organize social gatherings.

Sacred Heart Cemetery 004.jpg


The parish Cemetery Committee advises the pastor on operational matters regarding Sacred Heart "Dublin" Cemetery, ensuring the long term viability of the cemetery and compliance with both canonical and civil law. 



The parish Finance Council advises the pastor about effective stewardship of the parish’s financial resources. It is responsible for developing and overseeing the parish budget process, as well as conducting long range financial planning.



The parish Hospitality Committee works in coordination with the pastor and staff to coordinate social gatherings in the parish. From funeral luncheons to Bunco, the Hospitality Committee provides a warm and welcoming environment for parishioners to enjoy.



The Pastoral Council’s purpose is to be a sign and witness of unity, to recommend parish priorities and directions, to promote community, and to assist the pastor in pastoral planning. The pastoral council is a consultative leadership body of parishioners that advises and makes recommendations to the pastor.  

Rosary Makers

rosary makers

The parish Rosary Makers make rosaries to send to our men and women in uniform. The rosaries are made of sturdy paracord with black and brown beads. More than 3,000 rosaries have been donated since they began making them. The Rosary Makers meet on Wednesday mornings after Mass.