
Infant Baptism and Baptism of Children


Infant Baptism and Baptism of a Child

Parents or legal guardians are responsible for requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their infant or child under the age of reason (usually age 7).  Parents and godparents are required to attend a baptism preparation class prior to the baptism of the child.

Consent by at least one biological parent or guardian is the minimum requirement for Baptism. For an infant or child below the age of reason (age 7) to be baptized, at least one practicing Catholic shall agree to raise the child in the practice of the faith. Parents or legal guardians should be registered members of the parish in which Baptism occurs. Preparation and celebration of Baptism of infants and children under the age of reason are to be parish-based. A parent or legal guardian wishing to have a child baptized is expected to attend Mass regularly and must participate in the parish's preparation program. Parents or guardians must register for the Baptism preparation, have an interview with the pastor or his delegate, complete a baptismal registration form, and present the child's state-issued birth certificate.

Note: A person who has reached the age of reason (age 7), is to be prepared for Baptism (and Confirmation and Eucharist) in OCIA (formerly RCIA). Click HERE for more information about OCIA.

To arrange for baptism click the link below and someone will be in touch with you soon. If you have any questions, contact the parish office by email or call 360.687.4515.