
All Souls

Sacred Heart and St. Joseph the Worker

Welcome! We invite you to reserve your place for All Souls Day Mass


Please read the following before making your reservation

Everyone attending Mass does so at their own risk.  
People from vulnerable groups should not attend Mass until it is safe for them to do so.
To help us comply with diocesan and government policies we ask that you do not show up for Mass without a reservation. Thank you for your understanding.

Those attending Mass must be in good health.  Each person attending Mass must ask themselves these questions:
In the last 14 days, have you
1. Traveled internationally?
2. Been exposed to a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 without the correct PPE?
3. Had a temperature at least 100.4°F?
4. Had new or increased shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
5. Had a new cough?
6. Had at least two of the following symptoms together:
 Chills   Muscle Pain   Headache   Sore Throat    New loss of taste or smell   Diarrhea   Vomiting    Runny nose/congestion    Fatigue

A “Yes” to even one question is a failed screening and you should not attend Mass. If you are visibly sick you will not be allowed in the church.

  • A 6’ distance between households must be maintained at all times while on the property.  This includes the parking lot, sidewalks, grounds, restroom, vestibule, and church.

  • Out of love and concern for our fellow parishioners, everyone attending Mass is required to wear a cloth facial cover or a mask.

  • Those with large families, please plan on arriving 10 - 15 minutes before Mass begins to allow us to more easily seat you.

  • You must check in at the front door.  An Usher may guide you to your seat if the church is full. Thank you for sitting where the Usher seats you.

  • Out of love and care for our fellow parishioners we are asking everyone to receive Holy Communion in the hand only. If you require a gluten free host, please note that in the comments and tell the greeter when you check in.

  • At this time, the vestibule is not available for use as a cry room.  

  • The restrooms are available for use.  Only one person at at time (except parent and child), please.  Restrooms are not sanitized between uses.  Use at your own risk.

Thank you!


All Souls Day - Monday, November 2
9 am Sacred Heart
Blessing of graves at “Dublin” Cemetery immediately following Mass, weather permitting
5 pm St. Joseph the Worker


St. Joseph Goal

Goal $6,345


Thank you for your generosity!


Sacred Heart Goal

Goal $65,661


Thank you for your generosity!


The Catholic Church has been present at most of the important milestones in your life: your Baptism, your First Communion, at times of great celebration and at times of great sadness.
The work of the many ministries of the Catholic Church are far-reaching, life-giving and life-saving ... every day. By leaving a gift to your church in your Will, you will leave a legacy of faith – a legacy to help ensure that the mission and pastoral outreach that has been important to you will continue both for today’s needs and for those of our children, our grandchildren and beyond.

What are Planned Gifts?
Planned gifts are commonly determined during estate planning that are gifted upon the death of a donor and are often given in the name of the donor or donor's family.  Thus, the term "legacy giving". Planned gifts can be in the form of bequests, retirement plans and IRA's, life insurance (as beneficiary) and charitable gift annuities

Click HERE to learn more about making a legacy gift to Sacred Heart or St. Joseph the Worker.

"As each of us has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." 
1 Peter 4:10