
Youth and Adult



According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace. Confirmation roots us more deeply in Christ's divine Sonship, unites us more firmly to him, increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, bonds us more perfectly with the Church, and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross (CCC 1303). Together with Baptism and Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confirmation constitutes one of the three sacraments of Christian Initiation, in which a person is full bonded to Christ through the Church.

Effective 2019, the age of reception for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Seattle was lowered to 7th Grade, or about age 13.

Confirmation Preparation at Sacred Heart Parish is a two-year program. Students who would like to be confirmed in 2023-24 should have participated in Faith Formation (Grade 6/7) or YDisciple (Grade 8 and up) during school year 2022-23. Go HERE for more information about Grade 6/7 Faith Formation; go HERE for more information about YDisciple.

For school year 2023-24, Confirmation preparation is offered for students in middle and high school beginning early 2023 in anticipation of reception of the sacrament in Spring 2023. To receive the sacrament of Confirmation, candidates must have participated in a Faith Formation program in 2022-23, attend age-level Faith Formation classes in 2023-24 and all the Confirmation preparation sessions and events beginning early 2024, and attend Mass regularly.

NOTE: Confirmation prep classes begin meeting in February 2024. All registered candidates and their families will receive a detailed schedule later in the fall 2023.

The Confirmation Preparation fee is $25/candidate. There is an additional fee for the required Confirmation retreat; parents will be notified of this fee the first few weeks of class. Since students are also registered in Faith Formation or YDisciple during the year of preparation, the costs associated with those programs should be paid as well (Grade 6/7 - $25 for cost of workbooks; YDisciple - $35 to cover program and resources). No Sacred Heart Parish family will be turned away from participating in our Faith Formation programs due to financial need; contact Debbie Adams for more information.

For adults aged 18 and older who have not been confirmed, but have been baptized and received First Communion, go HERE. Adult confirmation classes will be offered at Sacred Heart beginning February 2024.

To register, contact the parish office at 360-687-4515.